
Erscheinungsjahr: 2005


The New Essential Chronology (engl)/ Author: Daniel Wallace mit Kevin J. Anderson, Illustrator: Mark Chiarello & Tommy Lee Edwards & John Van Fleet / Trade Paperback / 239 Seiten + 15 Seiten Einleitung / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345449010 / ISBN-13: 9780345449016 / erschien: 10/2005
Hardcover (engl)/ Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345490533 / ISBN-13: 9780345490537 / erschien: 10/2005

Überarbeitete Ausgabe. Enthält zusätzlich die Ereignisse aus Episode I - III und der New Jedi Order.

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006


The New Essential Guide to Droids (engl)/ Author: Daniel Wallace, Art: Ian Fullwood / Paperback / 200 Seiten + 22 Seiten Einleitung / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345477596 / ISBN-13: 9780345477590 / erschien: 06/2006

Überarbeitete Ausgabe. Erweitert um die Episode I - III sowie der New Jedi Order. Enthält Informationen zu folgenden Droiden:

  • Class One Droids: 2-1B Surgical Droid, BRT Supercomputer, DD-13 Galactic Chopper, FX Mediacal Assistant, GH-7 Medical Droid, Master-Com, Polis Massan Midwife Droid, SP-4 and JN-66
  • Class Two Droids: Arakyd Probot Series, GO-TO Planning Droid, G2 ‘Goose Droid', R1 Astromech, R2-R9 Astromech, T3 Utility Droid, Vuffi Raa, Wee Gee
  • Class Three Droids: 2JTJ Personal Navigation Droid, 3PO Protocol Droid, C-3PO, BD-3000 Luxury Droid, C-3PX, CZ Secretary Droid, Death Star Droid, EV Supervisor Droid, I-5YQ (I-Five), J9 Worker Drone, LE Manifest Droid, LOM Protocol Droid, Tac-Spec Footman, WA-7 Waitress Droid
  • Class Four Droids: ASN-121 Assassin Droid, B1 Battle Droid, B2 Super Battle Droid, B3 Ultra Battle Droid, Baron Droid, Basilisk War Droid, Buzz Droid, Chameleon Droid, Colicoid Annihilator Droid, Cortosis Battle Droid, Crab Droid, Dark Trooper, Droideka, Dwarf Spider Droid, The Great Heep, HK Assassin Droid, Human Replica Droid, IG-100 MagnaGuard, IG Assassin Droid, IG Lancer Droid, IT-O Interrogator, JK Bio-Droid, Juggernaut War Droid, L8-L9 Combat Droid, Mandalorian Battle Legionnaire, Manta Droid Subfighter, Octuptarra Droid, Pollux Assassin Droid, Sith Probe Droid, Xim's War-Robot, YVH 1 Yuuzhan Vong Hunter, Z-X3 Droid Trooper
  • Class Five Droids: 8D8 Smelting Operator, ASP Droid, Binary Loadlifter, BLX Labor Droid, Cam Droid, COO Cook Droid, FA-4 and FA-5 Droids, Homing Droid, Imperial Mark IV, INS-444 and CLE-004, LIN Demolitionmech, Monster Droid, Mouse Droid, Mustafar Panning Droid, Otoga-222 Droid, P-100 Salvage Droid, Pit Droid, PK Worker Droid, Power Droid, Prowler 1000, Rickshaw Droid, SRT Droid, TT-8L Tattletale, WED Treadwell
  • Cyborgs: B'omarr Brain Walker, Dark Side Technobeasts, General Grievous, Iron Knight

The New Essential Guide to Alien Species (engl)/ Authors: Ann Margaret Lewis & Helen Keier, Art: Chris Trevas & William O`Connor / Paperback / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 034547760X / ISBN-13: 9780345477606 / erschien: 11/2006

Überarbeitete Ausgabe. Erweitert um die Episode I - III, Clone Wars sowie der New Jedi Order. Enthält Informationen zu folgenden Rassen:

Acklay, Aiwha, Amani (Amanaman), Anzat, Aqualish, Arcona, Balosar, Bantha, Barabel, Besalisk, Bith, Bothan, Caamasi, Cerean, Chandra-Fan, Chagrian, Chevin, Chiss, Clawdite, Devaronian (Devish), Dewback, Dianoga, Dressellian, Dug, Duros/Neimoidian, Elom/Elomin, Eopie, Ewok, Falleen, Fosh, Gamorrean, Gand, Geonosian, Givin, Gotal, Gran, Gundark, Gungan, H'nemthe, Human, Hutt, Iktotchi, Ishi Tib, Ithorian, Jawa, Kaleesh, Kaminoan, Kel Dor, Killik, Kitonak, Klatooinian, Koorivar, Kowakian Monkey-Lizard, Kubaz, Mon Calamari, Mustafarian, Mynock, Nautolan, Nelvaanian, Nerf, Nexu, Nikto, Noghri, Ortolan, Pa'lowick, Polis Massan, Quarren, Rancor, Reek, Rodian, Ryn, Sarlacc, Shistavanen, Ssi-ruu, Sullustan, Talz, Tauntaun, Thisspiasian, Togruta, Toydarian, Trandoshan, Tusken Raider (Sand Person), Twi'lek, Ugnaught, Utapaun (Utai and Pau'an), Varactyl, Wampa, Weequay, Whiphid, Wookiee, Xexto/Quermain, Yarkora, Yevetha, Yuuzhan Vong, Zabrak Additional Species of Note: Aleena, Anx, Askajian, Baragwin, Colo claw fish, Dactillion, Drall, Falumpaset, Fambaa, Florn Lamproid, Gen'Dai, Gossam, Kaadu, Kouhun, Krayt Dragon, Lannik, Massiff, Midi-Chlorian, Mustafar Lava Flea, Muun, Magai, Nosaurian, Ongree, Opee Sea Killer, Orray, Pacithhip, Rakata, Ronto, Sando Aqua Monster, Sarkan, Selonian, Shaak, Shawda Ubb, Shi'ido, Skakoan, Skrilling, Space Slug, Swamp Slug/Nos Monster, Tin-Tin Dwarf (Tintinna), Troig, Umbaran, Vratix, Vulptereen, Vurk, Womp Rat, Yoda's Species, Yuzzum, Zeltron

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007


Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (engl)/ Author: Ryder Windham, Illustrator: Chris Trevas & Tommy Lee Edwards / Paperback / 252 Seiten / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345493346 / ISBN-13: 9780345493347 / erschien: 11/2007

Enthält Informationen zu:

  1. History and Holocrons
    • The Holocrons: The Tedryn Holocron, The Asli Krimsan Holocron, The Great Holocron, The Telos Holocron and Darth Andeddu's Holocron
    • Significant Battles: The Hundred-Year Darkness, The Great Hyperspace War, The Shadow of Freedon Nadd, The Sith War, Darth Ruin, Battle of Ruusan, Return of the Sith, The Battle of Geonosis, The Clone Wars, The Galactic Civil War, The Demise of Palpatine, The Resurrection of Exar Kun, The Yuuzhan Vong, Luke Skywalker vs. Lumiya: First Encounter, Luke Skywalker vs Lumiya: Final Duel
  2. The Jedi
    • Jedi Evolution: The Force and Its Mythic Origins, Early Jedi, Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, The Potentium Perspective, The Lost, The Dark Times, The Jedi Academy, The New Jedi Order
    • Force-Sensitive Abilities: Sense Powers, Telepathy, Affect Mind/Jedi Mind Trick, Telekinesis, Force Leap, Burst of Speed, Healing, Healing Trance, Farsight, Psychometry, Force Camouflage, Battlemind, Battle Meditation, Battle-Meld, Malacia, Sever Force, Beast Language, Morichro, Force Lightning
    • Jedi Spirits
    • Detecting Jedi Powers
    • The Force as a Source of Energy
    • Force Anomalies
    • Lightsabers: Ligthtsaber Construction, Improvised Lightsabers, Archaic Lightsabers, Waterproof Lightsabers, Training Lightsabers, Dual-Phase Lightsabers, Illustrious Lightsabers, Sith Lightsabers, The Seven Forms, Vaapad, The Marks of Contact, On Winning and Losing
  3. The Dark Side
    • Dark Jedi: The First Dark Legion, Ulic Qel-Droma's Return to the Light, Four Stages of the Dark Side, The Reformation of Revan, The Dark Jedi Conflict, The Conversion of Count Dooku
    • Dark Side Disciples: Imperial Inquisitors, The Emperor's Hands
    • Under Exar Kun's Influence
    • Luke Skywalker on the Dark Side
  4. The Sith
    • The Darth Title
    • Gatekeeper of the Telos Holocron: The Conquest of Sith Space, The Sith Code, Sith Worlds, The Fall of the Sith Empire, Darth Revan's Sith Holocron, The Rule of Two, On Selecting Apprentices, The Confession of Darth Tyranus, Sith Alchemy, Sith Weapons, Force Lightning, Sith Spirits, Immortality Through Cloning
    • The Dark Side Compendium: The Book of Anger, The Weakness of Inferious, The Creation of Monsters
  5. Other Force-Using Organizations: Followers of Palawa, Sorcerers of Tund, Baran Do Sages, Mecrosa Order, The Krath, Ysanna, Prophets of the Dark Side, Zeison Sha, Jensaarai, Korunnai, Aing-Tii, Matukai, Force Witches, The Reborn, Disciptes of Ragnos, Shadwo Academy, Fallanassi
  6. The Chosen One: Tatooine Childhood, Podracer Champion, Arrival at the Jedi Temple, Jedi Training, First Mission, Return to Tatooine, Forbidden Love, Darth Vader

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009


The Essential Atlas (engl)/ empfehlenswert / Authors: Daniel Wallace & Jason Fry, Illustrator: Ian Fullwood, Modi, Chris Reiff & Chris Trevas / Paperback / 243 Seiten + 11 Seiten Einleitung / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345477642 / ISBN-13: 9780345477644 / erschien: 08/2009

The Essential Atlas (engl)/ Paperback / Titan Books (UK) / ISBN-10: 1848562764 / ISBN-13: 9781848562769 / erschien: 08/2009

Enthält Informationen zu:

  1. The Political Galaxy: The Galaxy Map, Geography and the Structure of the Senate, Systems - Sectors - Oversectors and Regions: Star Systems, Subsectors and Sectors, Oversectors and Priority Sectors, Regions; The Deep Core + Map, The Core Worlds, The Core Map, Astrocartography - Navicomputers and Trade Routes, A Spacer's Life - BoSS and the ImPeRe, The Colonies + Map, The Galaxy's Population + Map (c. 25 ABY), The Inner Rim + Map, The Expansion Region + Map, The Wonders of the Galaxy, The Mid Rim + Map, Client States of the Empire, Hutt Space + Map, A Closer Look - Hutt Space and Neighboring Regions, The Outer Rim Territories + Map, Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, Globular Clusters and Satellite Galaxies, Miscellaneous Regions: Atrisian Commonwealth, Bothan Space, Botor Enclave/Daupherm Planet States, Herglic Space, Ktilac Regions, Nouane, Paqwepori; Client States and Miscellaneous Regions Map
  2. Planets of the Galaxy: Alderaan, Anaxes, Anoat, Ansion, Bakura, Bespin, Bestine, Bonadan, Bothawui, Boz Pity, Brentaal, Byss, Christophsis, Corellia, Coruscant, Csilla, Dagobah, Dantooine, Dathomir, Duro, Endor (Forest Moon), Eriadu, Felucia, Fondor, Gamorr, Geonosis, Hapes, Honoghr, Hoth, Iego, Ilum, Ithor, Kalee, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Kessel, Korriban, Kuat, Malastare, Mandalore, Mimban (Circarpous V), Mon Calamari, Mustafar, Mygeeto, Naboo, Nagi, Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, Neimodia, Nubia, N'Zoth, Onderon, Ord Mantell, Ossus, Rakata Prime (Lehon), Rattatak, Raxus Prime, Rhen Var, Rishi, Rodia, Ruusan, Ryloth, Saleucami, Sernpidal, Shadda-Bi-Boran, Sullust, Taanab, Tatooine, Teth, Thyferra, Toydaria, Triton, Tund, Utapau, Yavin, Zonama Sekot
  3. The Atlas of Galactic History: Before the Republic: The Gree, The Kwa, The Sharu, The Columi, The Killiks, Humans and Taungs, The Rakata Empire Map (c. 30.000 to 25.200 BBY), The Rakatan Infinite Empire, The Conquests of Xim the Despot Map (25.127 to 25.096 BBY), Xim and the Tion, Origins of the Jedi and Sith, Origins of the Jedi Map (c. 25.000 to 22.000 BBY); Galactic Exploration + Map, Major Trade Routes: The Koros Trunk Line, The Perlemian Trade Route, The Corellian Run, The Corellian Trade Spine, The Rimma Trade Route, The Hydian Way, The Metellos Trade Route, The Salin Corridor, The Braxant Run, The Triellus Trade Route, The Ootmian Pabol , The Gandeal-Fondor Hyperlane; The Slice, Great Seafaring Species: Bargwin, Devaronians, Duros, Gran, Herglics, Humans, Ithorians, Khil, Verpine, Zabraks; Ancient Mysteries of the Galaxy: The Shrines of Kooroo, The Loag Dagger, The Nova Vaults of Kakitai bel Toyouin, The Mindharp of Sharu, The Sharka'k Noor, The Bedlam Spirits, The Infant of Shaa; The Great Hyperspace War + Map (c. 5.000 BBY), The Sith War + Map (c. 5.000 BBY), The Great Sith War Map (4.000 to 3.996 BBY), The Jedi Civil War (Second Sith War 3.959 to 3.956 BBY), The Mandalorian Wars/The Jedi Civil War, The Mandalorians, The Mandalorian Wars Map (3.976 to 3.960 BBY), The Fall of the Republic Map (1.004 - 1.000 BBY), Zenith of the Galaxy, The Kanz Disorders, The Hapes Cluster + Map, The Hydian Way + Map (c. 3693 BBY), Descent into Darkness, Sidious's Preparations Map (52 - 32 BBY), The Phantom Menace + Map (3:4:14), Outbound Flight + Map, A Closer Look - Tatooine - Geonosis and the Arkanis Subsector + Map, The Clone Wars + Map, Attack of the Clones + Map (13:5:16), The Clone Wars - The Outer Rim Sieges Map (20 - 19 BBY), Revenge of the Sith + Map (15:5:20), A Closer Look - Kashyyyk and its Neighbors + Map, Secrets of the Claatuvac Guild, The Dark Times: The Cleansing of New Plympto, The Byss Lure, The Eye of Palpatine , The Caamas Firestorm, The Desiccation of Gholondreine-ß, The Enslavement of Kashyyyk, The Ghorman Massacre, The Subjugation of Mon Calamari; The Exploits of Lando Calrissian (4 BBY-1ABY), Imperial Atrocities Map, The Adventures of Han Solo + Map (14 - 0 BBY): The Centrality + Map; The Corporate Sector + Map, A Closer Look - Major Worlds of the Corporate Sector and Neighboring Regions, A Princess in Peril, Missions Merciful and Otherwise Map (2 - 0 BBY), The Ultimate Power in the Universe + Map (22 BBY - 12 ABY), A Closer Look - Yavin and the Gordian Reach, A New Hope + Map (35:3:3), Yavin and the Gordian Reach Map, Shadowports of the Galaxy, Famous Shadowports Map, The Era of Rebellion, Flashpoints in the Galactic Civil War Map (2 BBY - 4 ABY), The Spice Trade + Map, The Road to Kessel Map, A Closer Look - Hoth and the Greater Javin + Map, The Empire Strikes Back + Map (38:6:6), A Closer Look - Endor and the Moddell Sector + Map, Inner Zuma Region Map, Return of the Jedi + Map (39:3:3), An Empire Fragmented, The Ssi-Ruuk and Nagai Invasions Map (4 ABY), Advance of the New Republic, Rogue Squadron's Campaigns, The New Republic Advances Map (4 - 6 ABY), The Road to Coruscant Map (6 - 7 ABY), The Hunt for Zsinj Map (7 - 8 ABY), Campaigns after Zsinj's Death Map (8 ABY), Imperial Restoration, Thrawn's Campaigns Map (9 ABY), Little Empires, Pentastar Alignment Map, The Dark Empire (10 - 11 ABY): Operation Shadow Hand; Decline and Fall: The Pentastar Alignment, Out of the Deep Core Map (10 - 11 ABY), The Crimson Empire, Perils of the New Republic Map (12 - 17 ABY); A Closer Look - Mon Calamari Space + Map, Toward a Lasting Peace, A Closer Look - The Senex and Juvex Worlds, The Senex and Juvex Worlds Map, A Galaxy Invaded, Vector Prime and the Vong Advance Map (60:5 - 61:3 (25 - 26 ABY)), The Chiss Ascendancy + Map, Collapse of the Core Map (61:3 - 62:4 (26 - 27 ABY)), Into the Unknown Regions Map (62:4 - 64:6 (27 - 29 ABY)), Conflict Renewed, The New Galactic Civil War Map (40 - 41 ABY), The New Empire Map (137 ABY), Epilogue - The Empire Reborn

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012


Essential Guide to Warfare (engl)/ Author: Jason Fry with Paul R. Urquhart / Paperback / 246 Seiten + 10 Seiten Einleitung / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345477626 / ISBN-13: 9780345477620 / erschien: 04/2012

Essential Guide to Warfare (engl)/ Paperback / Titan (UK) / ISBN-10: 1781161402 / ISBN-13: 9781781161401 / erschien: 04/2012

Enthält die Kapitel:

Prologue, Before the Republic, The Ancient Republic, Zenith of the Republic, Wars with the Sith, Decline of the Republic, Flashpoint: Naboo, Begin the Clone War does, The Separatist War Machine, The Outer Rim Sieges, The Rise of the Empire, Empire Triumphant, In the Empire's Service, The Origins of Rebellion, The Alliance Strikes, When the Empire struck back, Showdown at Endor, An Empire in Fragments, End of an Empire, The New Jedi Order, The New Galactic Civil War, Eternal War, Acknowledgments


The Essential Reader's Companion (engl)/ Authors: Pablo Hidalgo, Illustrator: Jeff Carlisle & Joe Corroney & Brian Rood & Chris Scalf & Darren Tan & Chris Trevas / Paperback / 486 Seiten / gedruckt in den USA / Del Rey / ISBN-10: 0345511190 / ISBN-13: 9780345511195 / erschien: 10/2012
eBook (engl)/ Kindle Edition / Amazon (B008ZPGBV4) / erschien: 10/2012

The Essential Reader's Companion (engl)/ Paperback / Titan Books (UK) / ISBN-10: 1781161410 / ISBN-13: 9781781161418 / erschien: 10/2012

Dieses Buch enthält kurze Inhaltsangaben zu den bis dahin erschienenen Kurzgeschichten, Erwachsenen- und Jugendromanen, in den Kapiteln:

Chapter 1: Tales of Ancient Jedi and Sith, Chapter 2: Height of the Republic, Chapter 3: The Clone Wars, Chapter 4: The Dark Times, Chapter 5: The Galactic Civil War, Chapter 6; The New Republic, Chapter 7: The New Jedi Order, Chapter 8: Legacy, Appendix A: Works in Publication Order, Appendix B: Works by Author